Wednesday, May 18, 2011

As of tomorrow it will be six weeks since I started changing how I eat, and in this time I've sorta bounced around between freestylin' the low-carb approach and sticking to the strict induction or phase 1 of one low-carb plan or another. Currently I've got 3 days until I can switch over to phase 2 of the South Beach Diet (it's an AMAZING way to eat--I don't like the word diet), but for the past few days I've been eating a sugary treat each day. A piece of cake and a blizzard on Monday, a cookie on Tuesday, and Tiramisu today. I've mostly not craved any of this, so why now?

I'm reading the SBD book and have looked up stuff about it online, and there is a question about phase 1 that has come up several times: why can't we stay on phase 1 longer than two weeks? Dieters lose 5-8 lbs in two weeks while sticking to this phase and it's extremely tempting to just stay with it. The response is always that dieters will get bored and will need the expanded variety of phase 2. I think it's safe to say that I am in need of some variety.

Another rule of this diet (and for the record, when I say diet I don't mean a temporary, calorie-restrictive eating plan, but a complete, permanent change in eating) is that I'm supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, and I did not do that today. I had lunch at noon and not again until 7:30p.m. I wasn't hungry for the first few hours after lunch but then from 4-7 I was busy; we were going to dinner after A's appointment and that took forever. Ironic thing is that I had the snacks that I packed for work chillin' in my lunchbag in the car, so I easily could have grabbed something. But I digress, the point is that by the time I got to dinner, I ate the entire mini-loaf of bread given to me and I didn't hesitate to get dessert.

Weight-loss moral of the day? Eat my snacks and prepare to move to phase 2--it's time.

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