Friday, March 23, 2012

Foody Friday: 10-Week Diet Update

About three weeks ago I changed my diet from low cal to low carb as a serious attempt to reach the weight loss goal that Trainer had set for me. I adhered very strictly to Phase I of the South Beach Diet which pretty much just allowed low starch vegetables and lean protein. The date of the Big Weigh In came and went and I decided to stick with it, however for the past week I've been allowing small quantities of "forbidden foods" back in.

On a daily basis my lunches consist of salads (spring mix, salt and pepper, olive oil, fish or chicken, and random veggies like mushrooms or peppers), snacks are almonds and cucumbers, and dinners are mostly salmon or white fish and vegetables. Bread, potatoes, rice, and sugar have been completely eliminated from this diet, and for the most part so have fattier meats. For the past week I have made a few allowances but I've done so cautiously and without overeating. I am oh-so-slowly incorporating different foods back into my diet and am mindful of how it will or won't affect my weight loss. So far so good :-D

My body and taste buds have gotten so used to eating this way that I honestly don't like a lot of things that I used to. For example, last night in class the professor passed around a basket of chocolate and I helped myself to a fun size Three Musketeers; the sugar actually burned, it was weird. There was a very unpleasant burn-like sensation that I wanted to go away. It was bizarre, let me tell you! I also no longer like processed meats and I can't eat too much fruit because I can really taste the sugar.

The only thing I still struggle with is getting enough to eat. There are many days when I don't eat anything until 1:00 or 2:00 which is not good, in part because I get dizzy and lightheaded. I do try to have at least a few bites of something before exercising though and that does help.

I'm not sure if this is the diet that I'll stick with, mostly because I may get bored with it, but for now it is working so why change? Plus, even though I rarely eat as much as I should, I do have the option of eating as much as I want from the list of approved foods.

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