Sunday, May 15, 2011


257.4 (12.6 lbs lost)

I can't get enough of this! I got on the scale this morning thinking for sure that I weighed the same or even a bit more (which happens), so I was completely ecstatic. I am an entire pound lighter than yesterday!

This is not my first time losing weight. While the process has certainly never been the same each time (low cal or low carb? Exercise or no?), what is the same is the high that I get on when I've lost a few pounds and it's clear that my efforts are paying off. You see, the first few days are tough. I stop eating the foods I love with no reward. I pretty much feel miserable, I worry about whether or not I'll be able to stick it out long enough to see some positive changes. Then a couple of pounds come off. That's nice, but nothing to get too excited about. Then I hit mini-milestones: 5 lbs., 10 lbs. It's when the first 10 lbs. come off when I stop holding my breath and start enjoying what I'm doing as well as the process. This is where I am now.

I've decided to expand my blog to include how I plan my meals, how I manage to eat healthy on a tight budget, and how some of the recipes I try turn out. I think I might also start taking pictures of myself to track my progress. Whadya think?

LL xoxo

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